Startup Curious?

Try Two Free Classes On Us and Get Our Newsletter!  

The first course teaches you Five Common Startup Mistakes and how to avoid making them yourself. It is taught by David Frazee, one of the world’s leading experts on entrepreneurship and a Managing Partner at Richmond Global Ventures. The class is 50 minutes, but contains information that can last a lifetime. 

The second courses lasts 125 minutes and teaches you Fundamentals of Startup Investing. This course covers a number of fundamentals which drive best practices for investing in startups, including the fundamental theorem of startup investing, the structure and motivations of investors, what drives investment decisions, why deals are structured and priced the way they are, the need for transactional efficiency, why the demands of venture investing drive certain behaviors, and working with investors. It is the introduction to Section 4: Financing a Startup.

In addition to the free courses, you will also receive our free newsletter to receive tips, resources, opportunities, previews of upcoming events, and other information about our community.


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