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We would love to show you this area, but you must be a member to access this content. Gold Membership gives you access to all Essential and Master Class courses plus office hours, monthly webinars, and other bonus content:

  • Access to all Essentials and Master Classes.
  • Access to the member-only community features of the site, including the discussion forums, the Atrium,* the ability to message and talk with other members, with other members, and more.
  • Access to live Virtual Office Hours for Essentials and Master classes and video playback.
  • Access to live monthly Gold Member-only webinars and video playback.
  • Access to other bonus content for Members.
  • Discounts and early access to future professional courses when released.

Gold Membership is for one year and renews annually.

* The Atrium is a reference to the design of Pixar’s headquarters, which forced employees from different groups to interact centrally to promote creativity.


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